Sunday, December 13, 2009

life just beggining 4 me

Its seems to amaze me that i never really new what life is really about, i thought i knew it all LOL ! ive been through alot but never learned from my mistakes therefore still new nothing important ....well my last two years of my very low points in my life i started to learn (omly because i had to ) lol ! i know now that family is for most inportant at all time ....including friends and that freinds arnt just friends ..were all brother and sisters pretty much, i learned to never hate ....but if im not strong enough at the moment to handle someones critisem , its okay ....ill wait till i am strong enough ,then get back to them LOL ! ive learned to listen more and take healthy and loving advice and use it to my advantage instead of learning the hard or hurtful things on my own ... i need to have more faith and believth in myself and other people ....i now realize we are all a team ,and lets all work together ;) lessons in life are like school-if we dont learn the first time we get the opportunity to repeat them until WE do learn them ....... we are so lucky to have that chance...